Sprout seeds

Sprout seeds

Radish Red Hurricane | Sprouting seeds
Sprouts of this variety not only tastes good but also looks great on the plate and in all kinds of dishes. Radish sprouts due to large amounts of vitamin C increase the body's resistance.
BIO Garden cress | Sprouting seeds
Cress has a clear spicy taste, is a rich source of vitamins C, PP, P, B and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur and micronutrients.
Organic beet sprouting seeds
Beets contain concentrated amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein, enzymes and many other valuable substances. 
Red kale | Sprouting seeds
The plant contains large amounts of sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and vitamins: A, C and K. Thanks to their slightly spicy taste, they are perfect for cottage cheese, egg dishes, as well as an addition to salads, salads and to decorate dishes.
Kici mix - Grass for cats
A unique blend of popular grains for our purring friends. It consists of barley, oats, and wheat. These plants have properties that positively affect the tummies of our furry ones - allowing for the cleansing of the cat's digestive system from accumulated hair and food residues.
Sugar pea | Sprouting seeds
Sugar pea sprouts are crunchy and slightly sweet, making them an ideal addition to salads, sandwiches, spreads, and cottage cheese. 