Choose basil because it offers the perfect combination of flavor, aromatic scent, and versatility in the kitchen. Don't let this wonderful herb be missing from your culinary repertoire!
BIO Acorn flour
Acorn flour can be used as a refining addition to cereal flour (in a ratio of 2/3 cereal flour and 1/3 acorn flour) and bake bread, rolls, cookies and other products. 
Marjoram | dried
Marjoram is a very aromatic herb that is known and grown all over the world today. In most Polish homes it is added to soups, sauces and meat.
BIO Jerusalem artichoke flour gluten free
n addition to its versatile applications, this flour offers a healthy addition to your diet. If you are looking for nutritious, organic, and gluten-free flour that elevates your culinary skills, Organic Jerusalem Artichoke Flour is the perfect choice.
Orange petals edible
Discover the versatility of dried orange petals. Perfect for tea, desserts, and as decoration. Store cool and dry for optimal aroma.
Rock salt out Klodawa
Rock salt out Klodawa can be successfully used as a replacement for traditional salt in our home kitchen.