Vegetable seeds

Vegetable seeds

Leek blauwgroene winter alaska
Late variety, very good for storage, resistant to frosts well overwinter in the soil, a blue-green color of leaves and snow-white bleached long stem with a length of 25 cm.
Watermelon Crimson Sweet
A variety with high resistance to diseases and reaching the big fruit weight to 15 kg. Skin color light green with dark green streaks. Shiny red pulp with a very sweet flavor contains a lot of vitamin C, carotenoids and folic acid and lycopene.
Tomato Oxheart
Has exceptionally big fruit shape and is very fleshy. The flesh is pinkish-red, sweet and very tasty. Plants grow high and requiring support. Variety perfect for direct human consumption and milk. Planting seedlings in the second half of V.
Squash oil olga
Variety of pumpkin seeds without seed coat, intended for direct consumption and for processing. Fruits produce a large number of black seeds which contains a lot of minerals.
Broad beans Hangdown White
Medium-early variety, very fertile. Plants forming 8-14 pods containing up to 5 seeds. Fresh white and celadon seeds with high taste qualities. Plant growing up to a height of 125 cm, it spreads poorly.
Carrot Amsterdam 3
Early variety. Roots 15cm long, dark orange, early staining, tender and juicy. Very good for juices and for direct consumption and short-term storage. Requires light, fertile, well-cultivated soil.
Garlic chives seeds
Garlic chives is a perennial plant that grows quickly into dense clusters. Narrow and flat leaves with a distinct garlic aroma. White star flowers gathered in sweet-scented umbels.
Corn salad - Valerianella seeds
Corn salad is a plant that produces rosettes of edible, small leaves that contain a lot of vitamin C and group B, carotene and mineral salts. A great addition to salads, chopped eggs, it tastes good when combined with grapefruit and orange.
Nefertiti zucchini seeds
Nefertiti zucchini is a variety of zucchini with long or medium cylindrical fruit. The fruit has an intensely shiny green skin. Intended for cultivation in the ground. 
Dark red beetroot Seeds
They can be grown in any soil rich in nutrients. Sowing from mid-April to late June.
Peas - sugar Ambrosia
It creates sweet pods with a high sugar content without parchment lining, suitable for consumption as a whole.