Herbs seeds

Herbs seeds

Lemongrass seeds
The lemongrass is a decorative perennial that must be protected against frost in the winter. The plant is caused by its long, sharp leaves that have a strong aroma and taste of lemon. 
Basil lemon seeds
The basil lemon has a sweet, deep lemon-like scent due to the high concentration of the essential oil citral. Lemon basil is a delicious flavoring on grilled shrimp fish, as well as pasta, vegetables, chicken and tea. 
Lovage seeds
Lovage has fresh leaves that are added to salads, soups, tomatoes, meat and sauces. The dried rhizomes are suitable for the stew, pens, chicken and mutton. Incidentally, lovage stimulates appetite and regulates digestion.
Stevia seeds
Stevia is an annual plant with 20 sweet sweets, 20 times sweeter than sugar, while adding very little. It is used as a natural sweetener in drinks and from foods.
BIO Parsley leaf gigante d'Italia
This is a variety which is intended for all year round harvesting of quickly growing tops. The leaves are smooth, intensely-green and uniform. Sowing can be carried out any time during the year.
Dille Sprinter
Variety with strong shrubby habit and dark green leaves with a strong dill aroma. Height yielding plant, highly resistant to bolting, which extends the harvest period of green rises. It is also suitable for drying and freezing.
Bear's garlic
Frost-resistant decorative rug plant with great taste, aroma and medicinal properties.
Onions are bactericidal, stimulate the appetite and heal the respiratory tract.
Cinnamon Basil herb seeds
An annual spice plant, about 50 cm high, with a pleasant cinnamon leaf aroma. Fresh or dried leaves are added to vegetable and fruit salads, sauces, cheese, casseroles, meat dishes and fish.
Coriander herb seeds
An annual plant used as a spice, a basic ingredient in the Indian curry spice mixture. Coriander leaves are a popular spice in Asian cuisine.
Garlic chives seeds
Garlic chives is a perennial plant that grows quickly into dense clusters. Narrow and flat leaves with a distinct garlic aroma. White star flowers gathered in sweet-scented umbels.
Valerian seeds
Tinctures and infusions from the valerian roots are used in herbal medicine to treat sleep disorders as a mild sedative.