List of products by brand Toraf

Dille Sprinter
Variety with strong shrubby habit and dark green leaves with a strong dill aroma. Height yielding plant, highly resistant to bolting, which extends the harvest period of green rises. It is also suitable for drying and freezing.
Poppy Danish Flag
Annual plant 80 cm in height, profusely flowering, formed a large (10 cm in diameter) flowers with jagged petals, colored Danish Flag, a white cross on a red background.
Wheat | Sprouting seeds
Wheat sprouts are one of the richest sources of vitamins A, B, C and E contain especially large amounts of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin, thiamine and pantothenic acid.
Beans Mung | Sprouting seeds
Mung bean sprouts reigns among all sprouts seeds because of the taste and nutritional value. The sprouts are very tasty, crunchy, taste like fresh, young peas.
Adzuki bean | Sprouting seeds
Adzuki beans, is similar in taste to the Mung beans. Red-brown seeds are valued for their health benefits and weight loss properties. Adzuki bean sprouts are useful in treat the symptoms of bladder infections and protect against anemia.
White Cabbage Kamienna Glowa
This is a late variety which is intended for immediate consumption as well as storage. The head is large, round, well closed off, firm and thick. It is resistant to splitting and early frosts.
Cucumber (Pickling) Sremski F1
An early, high-yielding hybrid variety with a high tolerance to diseases, intended for growing in open fields and under low tunnels for early harvest. Perfect for pickling, fermentation and for salads.
Snapdragon tall mix
Annual plant, multicolored, 60-90cm height. Sowing seeds II-IV of the sheath or the end of IV to the ground. It requires solar positions. Ideal for discounts, flower garden group, cut flower. blooms until the first frost.
Calendula orange
Annual plant with raised stems and very charming orange. These are large flowers with a diameter of 10-12cm. It flowers from VI to frost. Cultivated cut flower, excellent for discounts, borders and flowerbeds. He goes on each, not too dry soil.
Pansy yellow with blotch
Biennial habit compact-spherical height of 15-25 cm, with a grand yellow flowers with dark eye on lower petals. Application: cut flower, flower beds, borders, containers and boxes for balconies. Sowing the seeds in May-July on rozsadniku.
Pansy mix
Biennial. The mixture of colors. Plant low to 25cm, flowers large, magnificent. Sowing the seeds in May-July. Planting in July-October, 20x30cm spacing. Blooms in April-October next year. Perfect for carpet beds, borders and containers.
Aster alpinus mixture
Perennial, forming a loose turf, approximately 20 to 30 cm. Flowers in white, pink, blue or purple numbers appear in May and June. The diameter of the flower is 4-5 cm. Variety recommended for rock gardens and cut flower.