List of products by brand Toraf

Annual Phlox mix
Annual plant with a compact, upright habit, to 25cm in height. Flowers in the shape of stars, pink. Sowing the seeds in March or inspektu in April-May directly into the ground.
Pansy black
Biennial habit compact-spherical height of 15-25 cm, with a large grand black flowers. Application: cut flower, flower beds, borders, containers and boxes for balconies. Sowing the seeds in May-July. Planting in July-October, 20x30cm spacing.
Carnation Chabaud
Annual plant height. 50-60cm large full multicolored, variegated, highly fragrant flowers. The use of cut flower, borders and flowerbeds. It blooms from July to October. Sowing the seed in the period of II-IV.
Pot marigold Geisha Girl
A unique variety of marigold (50cm), creating large full flowers in red-orange color with a pleasant aroma and medicinal properties. It blooms from early summer until late autumn.
Bearded carnation mix
Biennial. Height 25-60cm Great colored inflorescences. Sowing the seeds in May-June. Blasting plant in September 20x30cm. Blooms next year. in VI-VIII. Undemanding plant. It prefers sun and partial shade. 
Pansy white with blotch
A biennial plant with a compact-spherical habit, 15-25 cm high, with large, stately white flowers with a dark eye on the lower petals. Application: for carpet beds, cut flowers, flower beds, borders, for containers and boxes for balconies.
Leek blauwgroene winter alaska
Late variety, very good for storage, resistant to frosts well overwinter in the soil, a blue-green color of leaves and snow-white bleached long stem with a length of 25 cm.
Watermelon Crimson Sweet
A variety with high resistance to diseases and reaching the big fruit weight to 15 kg. Skin color light green with dark green streaks. Shiny red pulp with a very sweet flavor contains a lot of vitamin C, carotenoids and folic acid and lycopene.
Tomato Oxheart
Has exceptionally big fruit shape and is very fleshy. The flesh is pinkish-red, sweet and very tasty. Plants grow high and requiring support. Variety perfect for direct human consumption and milk. Planting seedlings in the second half of V.
Biennial fine, delicate blue flowers, reaching a height of 15 to 25cm. It requires humus soil, moist, positions in partial shade. Ideal for growing in pots, hanging baskets at the rim of a discount, and as a background for other plants.
Squash oil olga
Variety of pumpkin seeds without seed coat, intended for direct consumption and for processing. Fruits produce a large number of black seeds which contains a lot of minerals.
Sweet Pea mixture
Strongly climbing annual plant growing up very fast to 2.5 meters. It creates a mass of long-blooming flowers in beautiful pastel colors and a pleasant smell.