BIO Lentils | Sprouting seeds
Lentil sprouts are especially recommended for pregnant women because it provide the body with folic acid, a substance closely related to the normal development of the brain and nervous system of the future child.
Garden cress | Sprouting seeds
Cress has a clear spicy taste, is a rich source of vitamins C, PP, P, B and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur and micronutrients.
Radish | Sprouting seeds
Radish sprouts due to high amounts of vitamin C, (including it 2 times more than the radish root), increase the body's resistance to disease. It's a great cure for the common cold they also have an expectorant acting.
Broccoli | Sprouting seeds
Sprouts of the broccoli seeds are a source of valuable nutrients to the organsm: vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, PP), calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, enzymes and other reinforcing components.
Sunflower | Sprouting seeds
Sunflower sprouts with slightly pink shoots and nutty flavor are ideal addition for salads, soups, and sandwiches.
Peppermint seeds
The seeds of the peppermint plant must be sown during the April-May period. Moreover, it is important that the plant receives sufficient light. In the kitchen, fresh and dried leaves are used as a spice for salads, for example.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is a perennial that is used as help to treat insomnia, depression and neurosis. In addition, it is used for making tea. It is recommended to start sowing mid-March.
Thyme seeds
The thyme plant helps with nerve pain, whooping cough and stomach cramps. The fresh from dried herbs are used as seasoning for soups, meat, cheese and potatoes. It is recommended to start sowing between April and May.
Basil seeds
The light green leaves are full of a spicy basil flavor that are excellent for making pesto sauce. You can keep basil plants indoors all summer or transplant them outside at the end of May.
Tarragon seeds
The tarragon is one of the most famous plants from light hairy leaves. The fresh or dried plant parts are used in salads, fermentation of cucumbers and mutton. It is recommended to start sowing between mid-March and May. 
Lemongrass seeds
The lemongrass is a decorative perennial that must be protected against frost in the winter. The plant is caused by its long, sharp leaves that have a strong aroma and taste of lemon. 
Basil lemon seeds
The basil lemon has a sweet, deep lemon-like scent due to the high concentration of the essential oil citral. Lemon basil is a delicious flavoring on grilled shrimp fish, as well as pasta, vegetables, chicken and tea. 