Lovage seeds
Lovage has fresh leaves that are added to salads, soups, tomatoes, meat and sauces. The dried rhizomes are suitable for the stew, pens, chicken and mutton. Incidentally, lovage stimulates appetite and regulates digestion.
Stevia seeds
Stevia is an annual plant with 20 sweet sweets, 20 times sweeter than sugar, while adding very little. It is used as a natural sweetener in drinks and from foods.
Brown mustard | Sprouting seeds
Black mustard sprouts are characterized by a spicy, hot flavor and aroma and rapid growth. Black mustard contains more than the other mustard species, phytoncides with bactericidal properties and vitamin B2.
Fenugreek | Sprouting seeds
Fenugreek sprouts have a general strengthening and rejuvenating the body, as a addition to diet stimulating easy absorption of protein and vegetables fat.
Curly kale Kapral
A mid-early variety, intended for immediate consumption. the plant is low-growing (40 - 60 cm in height). The dark green leaves are blistered and very curly. It can survive temperatures down to -15 celcius.
Parsley root halblange
This is a late variety which is intended or autumn harvest without the tops and for long term storage. The 22 cm long conical root has a white colour. The aromatic flesh has a white-cream colour. 
Spinach Matador
Medium late variety for spring and autumn growing as well as for overwintering. Leaves are medium large and medium green. Sowing from March till May, for autumn harvest in August and for overwintering in August. Growing period is 40 days.
Cauliflower Early Snowball X
Very early variety, intended for spring, summer and autumn harvest, harvesting could be carry out after 65 days after planting seedlings. Creates a concise, snow-white, large heads well covered with broad leaves.
Onion Wolska
A late highly yielding variety. Bulb is large of a spherically-diamond shape and a straw yellow colour. The flesh is white and juicy. It is recommended for direct consumption as well as for long term storage.
Kohlrabi Gigant
A late variety, ready to harvest after 100-120 days from planting. Gigant has very large roots even up to 5 kg. White, juicy and tasty flesh does not become woody for a long time. Ideal for direct consumption, storage and freezing.
Lettuce iceberg Queen of summer
Attractive early variety (veg. 50-55 days), highly resistant to bolting and powdery mildew, for spring, and autumn cultivation. Creates very large, tight heads, up to 1 kg, composed of brittle leaves with a vesicular surface.
Bio Radish National 2
Early variety intended for all-season ground cultivation. Forms red with a white spherical end, large, bulbs with lots of vitamins. Flesh white, fragile without the tendency to cracking, mild in taste. 