List of products by brand Toraf

Radish Red Hurricane | Sprouting seeds
Sprouts of this variety not only tastes good but also looks great on the plate and in all kinds of dishes. Radish sprouts due to large amounts of vitamin C increase the body's resistance.
Bear's garlic
Frost-resistant decorative rug plant with great taste, aroma and medicinal properties.
Onions are bactericidal, stimulate the appetite and heal the respiratory tract.
Flower mix for butterflies
The special mixture of annual and perennial plants attracts butterflies, including: zinnia, delphinium, plains coreopsis, painted daisy, escholtzia and many others.
Cinnamon Basil herb seeds
An annual spice plant, about 50 cm high, with a pleasant cinnamon leaf aroma. Fresh or dried leaves are added to vegetable and fruit salads, sauces, cheese, casseroles, meat dishes and fish.
Coriander herb seeds
An annual plant used as a spice, a basic ingredient in the Indian curry spice mixture. Coriander leaves are a popular spice in Asian cuisine.
BIO Garden cress | Sprouting seeds
Cress has a clear spicy taste, is a rich source of vitamins C, PP, P, B and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur and micronutrients.
Flower mix creepers
A mixture of various species of annual climbing plants of various colors and flower shapes for planting balconies, arbors, pergolas, walls, fences, etc. They require a sunny position.
Matiola, Night Scented Stock
Eenjarige plant met onopvallende lichtpaarse, heerlijk geurende bloemen die 's avonds opengaan. De talrijke bloemen op de plant bloeien rijkelijk van begin juni tot augustus.
Hollyhock Mix - Alcea Rosea
A mixture of colors of a biennial plant with decorative, large, full flowers, gathered in long inflorescences. Plant height 200-250cm. Ideal for naturalistic planting, fences, walls, garden flu and cut flowers.
Zinnia elegans (Zinnia Dahlia) Mix
Annual plant, up to 60-80cm tall. Flowers magnificent, full, multi-colored. Perfect for higher discounts, for planting in groups and for cut flowers. They bloom beautifully from July to late autumn.
Love-in-a-mist mix
Undemanding and long-flowering honey plant. Flowers single or full with green jagged patches. Application for borders, discounts for naturalistic gardens. Decorative fruit and flowers are suitable for drying.